Single-cell rna seq datasets for clustering project
Single-cell rna seq datasets for clustering project
I am in the process of doing single-cell RNA seq data clustering benchmark project. However, I have some problems with the datasets choice. There are many datasets that repeat across different studies, for example Tabula Muris atlas. Tabula Muris contains clusters which were found with graph-based clustering method. Authors of some clustering bechmarking study use this clustering as a ground-truth to compare to the clustering methods they introduce, which for me seems very biased. Do you know of any datasets that contain "true grouping" but found with method other than clustering?
- Michael H.W. Weber
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- Beiträge: 22639
- Registriert: 07.01.2002 01:00
- Wohnort: Marpurk
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Re: Single-cell rna seq datasets for clustering project
Unfortunately, so far I don't have practical experience with scRNAseq, but maybe check out these articles: ... 97/7505072
Michael. ... 97/7505072
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