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The project integrates existing projects using the Boinc Wrapper technology in the Boinc world. Quite incidentally the Boinc infrastructure will be learned. The project is in beta status. Some bugs have to be expected.

Yoyo@home Gütesiegel engl.png

Seal of Approval:
This project was awarded the Rechenkraft Seal of Approval in january 2010. With 5 out of 5 possible points it is considered most recommendable. The criteria can be found here.


In the yoyo@home preferences the application can be chosen.


Ecm is a program for Elliptic Curve Factorization which is used by a couple of projects which try to find factors for different kind of numbers. These projects are using ecm:

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. ecm_op_1230499877_419_71M.C184_3)
ecm_ name of the application
op_ name of factorization project (as=AliquotSequence, cn=Cunningham Numbers, cw=CullenWoodall, es=ElevenSmooth, hc=Homogeneous_Cunningham_numbers, mp=Mersenneplustwo Factorizations, nr=near-repdigit-related numbers, op=Oddperfect, ru=RepUnit, uc=UpForTheCount, xy=XYYXF)
1230499877_ unix timestamp of wu creation
419_71M.C184_ name of the value which needs to be factorized, a composite factor of 419^71-1 of decimal length 184
3 running number in the batch
Feature of the application
Checkpoints every 10 minutes
Progress indicator yes, every 20%
Credits based on complexity


Standard Workunits

Ecm runs in two phases. Phase 2 is shorter but needs up to 1800MB of memory. Currently the following ecm settings can be run in yoyo@home:

B1 implemented length
(for credits and runtime estimation)
runtime (minutes) expected RAM (MByte)
50K 101 - 90001 1min - 28h 1 - 1500
250k 101 - 90001 1min - 133h 5 - 4000 (5100)
1M 101 - 9001 1min - 12h 10 - 1230
3M 101 - 9001 5min - 38h 40 - 2700
11M 101 - 9001 8min - 156h 80 - 4000 (7200)
43M 101 - 2000 27min - 21h 165 - 4000 (4100)
110M 101 - 951 1.2h - 35h 340 - 4000 (4500)
260M 101 - 601 3h - 35h 700 - 4000 (5400)
850M 101 - 401 10h - 60h 1400 - 4000 (4200)

A BOINC wu runs 5 ECM tasks.


P1/P2-splitted Workunits

For higher B1 the ecm run is split into P1 (phase1) and P2 (phase2) workunits. P1 workunits will run longer by less RAM usage while P2 workunits run fast by RAM usage up to 10 GB. Currently the following ecm settings can be run in this way in yoyo@home:

B1 implemented length
(for credits and runtime estimation)
runtime (minutes) expected RAM (MByte) for P2
2900e6 100 - 400 P1: 2.5h - 14h, P2: 1h - 3h 6000 - 10000
7600e6 100 - 400 P1: 6h - 37h, P2: 1h - 10h 6000 - 10000
25e9 200 - 360 P1: 45h - 100h, P2: 13h -43h 6000 - 10000

A BOINC/en wu runs phase 1 or phase 2 of a ECM tasks.



This subproject produces Sieve Files for the CRUS-project. We are sieving for Riesel/Sierpinski to b conjectures where b<1030. (Form: k*bn-/+1). Sieve files are needed to start testing for primes.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. sr2_339101000000000-339201000000000-sr_746-1576600690-3391)
sr2_ name of the application, sr1sieve or sr2sieve
339101000000000-339201000000000 the sieve range
sr_746 the base which is sieved
1576600690_ unix timestamp of wu creation
_3391 running number in the batch
Feature of the application
Checkpoints sr1: every 10%, sr2: every 5 minutes
Progress indicator reported by application
Credits Calculated based on claimed credits


M Queens

The M queens puzzle is the problem of placing M chess queens on an M x M chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other; thus, a solution requires that no two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. que_N_27_D_7_145783800_145783999_1576897541_242)
que_ name of the application
N_27_D_7 board size and split parameter
145783800_145783999 search range
1576897541_ unix timestamp of wu creation
_242 running number in the batch
Feature of the application
Checkpoints no
Progress indicator reported by application
Credits Calculated based on claimed credits


Finished Subprojects



The original Distributed.net client is integrated. This project will find an optimal golomb ruler with the length of 28. In each Boinc workunit, there are 7 OGR-28 work units. This leads to a computation time of up to 40 hours. We expect, that we will discover a better ruler for OGR-28 than the one we know to be optimal currently.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. ogr_071121065046_71)
ogr_ name of the application
071121 year, month, day the work unit was created
065046 hour, minute, second the work unit was created
_71 running number in the batch
Feature of the application
Checkpoints nearly every 15 minutes checkpoints are written
Progress indicator after processing of 1 of 7 ogr the indicator is increased by 14,2%, but this may need up to 5h
Credits based on processed GigaNodes


Nontrivial Collatz Cycle

Nontrivial Collatz Cycle wants to prove that there are no Collatz Cycles with length < 17*109 other than 1 - 4 - 2. Therefore it searches for Path Records with start numbers up to 1020.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. col_743000-743100_1502860217_7430)
col_ name of the application
743000 start class
743100 end class
1502860217 Unix timestamp of work unit creation time
_7430 line number of the current batch
Feature of the application
Checkpoints nearly every 5 minutes checkpoints are written
Progress indicator each work unit contains 100 classes, after each class the checkpoint is written and the progress indicator increases by 1%
Credits based on performed iterations


Perfect Cuboid

Perfect Cuboid aims to find Perfect Cuboid or prove that if it exists, his space diagonal must be greater than 263. During the moving up we also will find almost perfect cuboids: Edge and Face cuboids (completely) and some kinds of cuboids in complex numbers (Perfect Complex, Imaginary and Twilight).

You can work on the source code, see RKN-forum and link to GitHub.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. pcu_115000617172433-115004172630053_1505511624_964)
pcu_ name of the application
115000617172433 minimal length of cuboid space diagonal
115004172630053 maximal length of cuboid space diagonal
1505511624 Unix timestamp of work unit creation time
_964 counter of work creation run
Feature of the application
Checkpoints nearly every 5 minutes checkpoints are written, at every 0.25%
Progress indicator every 0.25% progress is reported
Credits based on performed iterations



This project represents the first and so far only distributed computing project addressing evolutionary research. It simulates different types of populations and focuses on the analysis of human mitochondrial DNA. Read the original Evolution@home website for more information.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. evo_1196518209-696_439KB_6.94)
evo_ name of the application
1196518209 unix timestamp of creation
439KB_ estimated needed memory
6.94 estimated runtime on a 500MHz Pentium
Feature of the application
Checkpoints not available, but with "keep in memory" also suspend is possible
Progress indicator based on a rough runtime estimation the progress is shown. Since it is only an estimation, the work unit may already finish at 40% or at 150%.
Credits are based on calculated GigaIndividuals



The experiment is called the Neutrino Factory, scheduled for construction some time from 2015. Its primary aim is to fire beams of neutrinos (fundamental particles) through the Earth's interior to detector stations on different continents. They're doing this to measure whether they change type en route (there are 3 types of neutrino) and data from this in turn will allow them to determine the neutrino's mass more accurately.

You are simulating the part of the process where the proton beam hits the target rod and causes pions to be emitted, which decay into muons. These would then proceed to a storage ring and decay into electrons and the neutrinos that are used for experiments. This is a fairly critical part of the apparatus, which catches the pions and confines some of them into a beam while they decay. The efficiency of this dictates that of the entire machine because it is built of a lot of acceleration stages 'in series' with each other. Whether the project eventually gets funded to be built depends on what levels of performance can be achieved with the designs generated during the present R&D. However, users of this program have already doubled the estimated efficiency of one stage and more are to be optimised in the future.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. muon_080405141544_71)
muon_ name of the application
080405141544 year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds the work unit was created
_71 running number in the batch
Feature of the application
Checkpoints every 4 minutes
Progress indicator will be increased every 33.3%. If a simulation produces a very good result it will rerun 4 times to verify it. In this case the progress indicator increases by 6.6%.
Credits calculated depending on Claimed Credits


Harmonious Trees

Graham and Sloane proposed in 1980 a conjecture stating that every tree has a harmonious labelling, a graph labelling closely related to additive base. Very limited results on this conjecture are known. Graham and Sloane proved that caterpillars are harmonious. Aldred and McKay used a computer program to verify that all trees with at most 26 nodes are harmonious. Recently, Fang proposed a new algorithm and pushed the verification to trees with at most 31 nodes. A distributed version of this algorithm is used in this subproject.

This subproject does not use the BOINC-Wrapper. The application was compiled from the source code.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. hat_2690_32-100000-791607816_1312441750)
hat_ name of the application
2690_ running number in the batch
32-100000-791607816_ startpoint in the tree
1312441750_ unix timestamp of wu creation
Feature of the application
Checkpoints written depending on the BOINC preferences (write on disk).
Progress indicator for every percent
Credits calculated depending on Claimed Credits


Odd Weird Search

This project is a number-theoretic project which searches for odd weird numbers. In fact, no odd weird number is known. Previous effort searches up to 1017. The project continues this effort of searching for odd weird numbers up to 1021.

This subproject does not use the BOINC-Wrapper. The application was compiled from the source code.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. ows_12781_1746_1378253133)
ows_ name of the application
12781_ number of sections left in this workunit
1746_ running number in the batch
1378253133 unix timestamp of wu creation
Feature of the application
Checkpoints written depending on the BOINC preferences (write on disk).
Progress indicator for every percent
Credits calculated depending on Claimed Credits



The project searchs for the minimal equal sums of like powers as follows: a1k + a2k + ... + amk = b1k + b2k + ... + bnk Currently, yoyo@home does the verification for the found solution for k=6. This subproject does not use the BOINC-Wrapper. The application was compiled from the source code.

The name of a work unit contains following parts (e.g. eul_568_0_1272105330_2)
eul_ name of the application
1272105330_ unix timestamp of wu creation
Feature of the application
Checkpoints written depending on the BOINC preferences (write on disk).
Progress indicator for every percent
Credits calculated depending on Claimed Credits

The project has finished and results are published.

Project overview

InfoIcon.png yoyo@home
Name yoyo@home
Category Mathematik/en
Goal Integration of non-BOINC-Projects into BOINC
Commercial   no
Homepage www.rechenkraft.net/yoyo

Germany01.gif    This project is being conducted in Germany.



Project status

InfoIcon.png Project status
Status   active
Begin 14.07.2007
End still active


Project links



BOINCstats.com Overview Top Teams Top User
BOINCsynergy.com: The service has been discontinued.
stats.free-dc.org Overview Top Teams Top User
allprojectstats.com: The service has been discontinued



You can create a small about your sub project stats. Use this URL:


  • id - you yoyo@home user id
  • theme - there are also 2,3,4,5,6, just try it


Client program

Operating systems

Icon windows 16.png   Windows Checkbox 1.gif  
Icon windows 16.png   Windows 64bit Checkbox 1.gif  
Icon linux 16.png   Linux Checkbox 1.gif  
Icon linux 16.png   Linux 64bit Checkbox 1.gif  
Icon linux 16.png   Linux on ARM Checkbox 1.gif   (only Subprojects OGR-28 and ECM)
Icon ps3 16.png   PlayStation 3 Checkbox 1.gif  
Icon raspberri pi 16.jpeg   Raspberry Pi Checkbox 1.gif  
Icon dos 16.png   DOS Checkbox 0.gif  
Icon macos 16.png   MacOS X Checkbox 1.gif  
Icon macos 16.png   MacOS X 64bit Checkbox 1.gif  
Icon solaris 16.png   Solaris Checkbox 1.gif  
Android.jpg   Android Checkbox 1.gif  
Icon java 16.png   Java (OS independent)  Checkbox 0.gif  



Yoyo@home uses the BOINC infrastructure. The registration, installation and configuration are described in the user manual.

If you use BOINC on the Playstation 3 be aware that you cannot use the original Client from Berkeley. You must use the adapted Client on the PS3GRID-Site. Furthermore you must select the subproject Cruncher - optimal golomb ruler in the yoyo@home preferences.



The most recent versions are here.

Yoyo@home/PS3 installation





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