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News archive

30 October 2023 P78 ECM factor!
User Moor found a 78-digit prime factor of an Cunningham number using ECM. This is the largest ECM factor found this year, and the 4th largest for all times (and the largest found by yoyo@home).

20 June 2023 P73 ECM factor!
User ccurtis0 found a 73-digit prime factor of an XYYXF number using ECM. This is another entry into the ECMNET top 10 list for this year!

12 May 2023 Amazing ECM factor!
User Favebook found a 77-digit prime factor of an Homogeneous Cunningham number using ECM. This is by far the largest factor found anywhere by ECM this year, and is the 4th largest ever. Very exciting!
This was a very lucky find (about a 1 in 28.3 million chance for a single curve).

6 May 2023 2 factors found by Pentathlon
The next 2 factors were found by the BOINC Pentathlon, a 55 digit factor by JayPi2 of team SETI.Germany anda 58 digit factor by biodoc of team TeAm AnandTech.

2 May 2023 Welcome Pentathlon
The ECM and ECM P2 projects were choosen by the BOINC Pentathlon in the discipline Obstacle Run. Many user are already downloading lot of workunits and some return already. Credits are not yet counted for the Pentathlon, but we already have a noteworthy result, a 65 digit prime was found. This was sent to Paul Zimmermann to fill his list of ecm records.

19 March 2023 M Queens 27 additional workunits
We have to process some additional workunits. Some returned already.

6 March 2023 M Queens 27 has finished
The M Queens subproject has finished last weekend. No more workunits are distributed. Now we are analyzing the results which are 8 GB of compressed data. Much thanks for your provided work.

9 January 2023 P67 found with ecm
Simone Bonzanini found a 67 digits prime factor for the Cuningham number 22222+1. This saves a lot of NFS effort. The found prime is the first for this years ECMNET record list of Paul Zimmermann.

30 December 2022 M-Queens project end estimation
We estimate, that the project will finish in December 2023.

23 November 2022 OGR-28 has finished
After 8.5 years the project has finished and proven that the previously predicted ruler is optimal. That previously known ruler has the following marks: 0 3 15 41 66 95 97 106 142 152 220 221 225 242 295 330 338 354 382 388 402 415 486 504 523 546 553 585

BOINC volunteers computed roughly 25% of the search space.

See the full distributed.net statement here.

29 October 2022 OGR-28 99.8% finished
After 3,174 days, the OGR-28 project has finished and douple checked 99.8% of it's search space. The project will finish in the next days.

24 March 2022 Last M-Queens Workunits
The last 30% of our M-Queens workunits were added to the queue. After them the M-Queens project has finished it's first goal.

23 October 2021 Project progress
An update for the progress on each sub project in yoyo@home:

is 89% completed (https://stats.distributed.net/projects.php?project_id=28). It will finish around beginning of 2023 (https://stats.distributed.net/project/ogr_status.php?project_id=28).

Siever & ECM
I see currently no end in further demands for sieving and trial factorizations. There are many many math projects which have needs for sieving and factorizations.

We are currently in the 2. of 3 parts and have there 70% done. So in total we are at 56%. We started 2 years ago. So it might take another 2 years to finish it.


18 December 2020 Resource share of 0
It is now possible to set a resource share of 0 in yoyo@home. This was requested by some user.

16 December 2020 GPU version for M Queens
We have now a first GPU version for the M Queens project for Windows. It requires an OpenCL 2.0 GPU. The version can be downloaded from github.com. The zip contains an installation instruction, the app and the app_info.xml.

1 August 2020 Enhancing ECM range
I'm enhancing the ecm search range for B1=43e6 up to 2000 digits. Some test workunits are already send out with the name ecm_es_*test* and a short deadline of 1 day. Together with this the credit formula was changed.

30 March 2020 4 entries in ECMNET top 10 for year 2020
Congratulations to user Crashtest, Henric and nenym. Their found prime numbers are in the ECMNET top 10 for year 2020.

23 Dec 2019 Project description for Siever and M Queens
The missing description for Siever and M Queens was added. Now also features like checkpointing an progress indicator are described.

07 Oct 2019 New app ecm P2
For our ecm P2 memory monster (which require up to 10 GB free RAM) we have now an own application. In the project settings you can choose to run this app or not.

07 Oct 2019 P67 found with ecm
User Peter Baetz found a 67 digit prime with ecm. This number went into the top 10 of the largest found prime factors with ecm for the year 2019.

12 July 2019 M Queens for arm64
We released now also a M Queens app for arm64.

9 July 2019 M Queens M=27 started
The 27x27 board is the highest-order board that has been completely enumerated. In 2016, after more than a year of computation on FPGA, 29,363,495,934,315,694 solutions were enumerated at University of Dresden.

We want ot verify this number and have to run 2.2 million workunits, which we compute twice. On the progress bar you see 25% of it.

We'll see if we need also a year for this.

5 July 2019 M Queens for M=27
With our last run for M=24 we verified the Windows app and the validation against Linux. With our test runs we were able to confirm the amount of solutions for M=21 and M=24. So now we are ready for M=27. Some workunits are already created.

3 July 2019 Windows App for M Queens
The Windows version of the M Queens app is now available together with some workunits for M=21 to test the windows version and the validation against the Linux version.

30 June 2019 New Project M Queens
We started M Queens as new project in yoyo@home.
The M queens puzzle is the problem of placing M chess queens on an M x M chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other; thus, a solution requires that no two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal.

Curently it is a test application only available for Linux64 and we are running some test workunits for M=24. We did already M=20 and verified the results. As next step we will verfy the number of solutions for M=27. If everything runs well we might go to find solutions for M=28, which is currently unknown.

6 May 2019 Welcome Penta Racing Teams
Our small server heavily fights with all flushed buffers, especially at the beginning. We did some measures to handle the load. But if many buffers will be flushed at the same time, the transitioner will need time to handle all.
In the ECM project a 63 digit prime as a factor of a CullenWoodall number was found, which will make it into the gmp-ecm Top 10 list for this year.
Have fun and take more of the ECM P2 workunits!


12 April 2019 Cunningham Numbers as new ECM Subproject
In our ECM project we are now also trial factoring composites from the Cunningham Project. We already found a factor for the first running composite, which also fully factored this composite.

20 Nov 2018 OGR Status
427 million (81%) of all of the stubs in OGR-28 have been tested once, and more than 140 million have been verified!

18 Oct 2018 Additional ECM Project
We run now also Homogeneous Cunningham Numbers in our ECM projekt.

18 Oct 2018 Article about length of Nontrivial Collatz Cycle
An article about our Nontrivial Collatz Cycle project, which we finished autumn 2017, was published in the German newspaper for mathematics 'Die Wurzel'.

17 Oct 2018 Perfect Cuboid 3rd Batch has finished
If a perfect cuboid exists, its body diagonal exceeds 253.

During this batch we were investigating the range of body diagonal from 251 (2'251'799'813'685'248) to 253 (9'007'199'254'740'992).
17'408 face cuboids,
34'816 imaginary cuboids,
156'672 twilight cuboids,
a total of 208'896 different cuboids
were found with the help of 597'095 workunits.

Thanks to everyone who helped to achieve this Great Result. Now we put the subproject on hold for public code review.

6 Oct 2018 Perfect Cuboid sources
The 3rd batch is closed to the end and Perfect Cuboid publishes the sources on https://github.com/renyxadarox/pcuboid. Everyone who is interested to take a part in the public code review, please join us!
You can comment the code on github, here in the forum or join the Telegram group https://t.me/joinchat/BrFEbg7IlqMFl4PBRSdEBA for interactive discussion.

19 April 2018 Perfect Cuboid 3rd Batch status
If a perfect cuboid exists, its body diagonal exceeds 252.

30 Jan 2018 Perfect Cuboid 2nd Batch finished
We finished our 2nd batch of Perfect Cuboid workunits. Result so far: If a perfect cuboid exists, its body diagonal exceeds 251.

21 Jan 2018 Siever update
In the last days the siever app was updated. With this update we can run now also sr2sieve tasks. A first sr2sieve batch was already distributed. The names of such workunits starts with sr2. A next batch of sr2 workunits will be distributed in the next 7 days.

6 Jan 2018 Siever for aarch64
The Siever app is now also available for 64 bit Linux systems running on ARM.

6 Jan 2018 Perfect Cuboid: New Version
Perfect Cuboid continues with a new version for 64 bit Windows, Linux and ARM. We are checking now up to 251.

8 Dec 2017 Perfect Cuboid 1st Batch finish
Now we are close to 1st Batch ending. For those who's interested, what's next, we inform, after complete validation of 0-250 range we are going to publish a new app version which will be goaled to Perfect cuboids search only. Thus it's 7 times faster than the current is, so we expect that the next goal - 251 will be achieved quick enough.
Stay tuned!

27 Nov 2017 Perfect Cuboid 10T range finished
We've successfully completed the 0-10T range verification. As was expected, we found a lot of cuboids there:
54'761 edge cuboids
94'501 face cuboids
228'198 imaginary cuboids
1'132'380 twilight cuboids
A total of 1'509'840 different cuboids. The most fortunate were users year02 and krzyszp who snatched the jackpot and found
7'241 edge cuboids
11'341 face cuboids
27'719 imaginary cuboids
138'903 twilight cuboids
thanks to just a one, the very first task.

11 Nov 2017 Enhanced statistics for the Siever app
On the Siever status page you see now on which base we are working and how they are progressing.

10 Nov 2017 Perfect Cuboid: Starting skipped range with more cuboids
In the Perfect Cuboid subproject we have added per user statistics of found cuboids, as well as subproject status page was extended by the common statistics. 11 November at 11:11 UTC we are going to launch the 0-10T range which we skipped from the beginning, which contains almost the same amount of cuboids we've already discovered, and throw out 4 times shorter tasks to give an opportunity for all concerned users to put into the personal statistics a large number of cuboids. So, don't miss the start time.

07 Nov 2017 P73 record number found with gmp-ecm
For the ECM repunit project user astroboylok found a 73 digit prime. This number will make it into the largest primes list ever found with gmp-ecm.

27 Oct 2017 Additional stats for Perfect Cuboid
We added per user statistics of found cuboids and as well the subproject status page was extended some common statistics.

Today we have added Hits to Perfect Cuboid subproject, so from now you can compete not only in earned Credits, but also in the amount of found cuboids. Free-DC is already showing Hits in Subproject Stats.

And also good news, today we "crossed the equator" of the 1st Batch, Max In Progress threshold has exceeded 249 = 562.949.953.421.312, which is the half of our 1st goal - 250.

24 Oct 2017 A publication on Harmonious Trees and Odd Weird Search
It has been a long time, we know, that there was no news whatsoever the results of Harmonious Trees, or Odd Weird Search. All we knew was that we found nothing, the conjectures remained safe, and even taking on more credence. It sounds a bit anti-climatic.

But no! In this interval, we have been busy working on something. It is a research article, to be precise, that describes what we did to make both projects possible, what we observed, and what we can do to make it better (if there is a similar problem to be made into a volunteer computing project). And finally, after a lot of writing and editing in between great periods of procrastination (yes, I did a PhD in math in between, and yoyo of course needs to maintain the project alongside his work), today it is finally published!

Titled Parallel Tree Search in Volunteer Computing: a Case Study, the article can be found here:

It is open access, meaning that everyone can download it and have a look freely. Thanks to TU Graz (I am a postdoc there), FWF (the Austria founding agency) and the library of TU Graz for having an open access arrangement with Springer. Otherwise, the authors generally have to pay thousands of dollars for the open access option. So, enjoy if you are interested!

Here is an abstract of the article:

While volunteer computing, as a restricted model of parallel computing, has proved itself to be a successful paradigm of scientific computing with excellent benefit on cost efficiency and public outreach, many problems it solves are intrinsically highly parallel. However, many efficient algorithms, including backtracking search, take the form of a tree search on an extremely uneven tree that cannot be easily parallelized efficiently in the volunteer computing paradigm. We explore in this article how to perform such searches efficiently on volunteer computing projects. We propose a parallel tree search scheme, and we describe two examples of its real-world implementation, Harmonious Tree and Odd Weird Search, both carried out at the volunteer computing project yoyo@home. To confirm the observed efficiency of our scheme, we perform a mathematical analysis, which proves that, under reasonable assumption that agrees with experimental observation, our scheme is only a constant multiplicative factor away from perfect parallelism. Details on improving the overall performance are also discussed.

14 Oct 2017 Join for a drink in Athens, Greece?
I'm currently in Athens, Greece. If somebody wants to go out for a drink, drop me a message, e.g. in our forum.

14 Oct 2017 Siever for Linux 64
The Siever application is now also availabel for Linux 64.

14 Oct 2017 Siever: Cancel of latest batch
This morning we had a problem with our database. Therefore, I had to cancel the workunits of the latest Siever batch.Sorry for the inconvenience.

9 Oct 2017 Siever: New subproject
In our new subproject we produce Sieve Files for the CRUS-project. We are sieving for Riesel/Sierpinski to b conjectures where b<1030. (Form: k*bn-/+1). Sieve files are needed to start testing for primes.
First test tasks are already running.

23 Sept 2017 Collatz: Search finished
After less than one and a half months (14 August to 23 September), we were able to successfully complete our search project:

6 Sept 2017 Collatz: Nearly 50% done
We finished so far nearly 50% of our Nontrivial Collatz Cycle search and got 500 path maxima and at least one new Path Record in Eric Roosendaals list.

4 Sept 2017 ARM Apps for Perfect Cuboid
The Perfect Cuboid app is now also available for 32 and 64 bit ARM systems running with Linux.

4 Sept 2017 Badges for Perfect Cuboid
We have now also badges for Perfect Cuboid and the application is also available for 64 bit Linux.

3 Sept 2017 New app Perfect Cuboid
The new subproject Perfect Cuboid is now in Test for 64 Bit Windows systems.

27 August 2017 Collatz: New version for 64 bit Windows, Linux and Linux on ARM
We deployed a new version which is more robust and avoids some problems happend on workunit restart. Additional the progress indicator is now updated in 0.125% steps, before it was in 1% steps.

18 August 2017 Collatz: Windows App available
A Windows application is now available for the Nontrivial Collatz Cycle search.

17 August 2017 Collatz: Found Path Records
The Collatz progress page shows now also the found path records.

16 August 2017 Badges now also for Collatz
We grant now also badges for the new Collatz application.

15 August 2017 Collatz application available
The application for Nontrivial Collatz Cycle is now available for 64 bit Linux @x86 and @ARM.

14 August 2017 New app collatz soon
There will be soon a new subproject attacking an collatz issue integrated in yoyo@home. You have to enable this project in your settings and allow test applications. Linux 64 bit will be the first version.

2 August 2017 Muon finished
Stephen has stopped his Muon1 project. The main write-up of the project and its results are in Chapters 7 and 8 of his thesis. Nearly 90 million simulations were done.

Therefore I stopped the workunit generation for Muon.

12 Mai 2017 Pentathlon
Thanks for choosing yoyo as Pentathlon project!

29 Apr 2017 Interview with Gridcoin
In February 2017 Gridcoin people interviewed me about yoyo@home and yafu, my experience operating a Boinc project and my view on Gridcoin. You can listen to the interview on SoundCloud.

24 Apr 2017 BOINC-Treffen in Wieda, Germany, 2.-5. Juni
Vom 2.-5. Juni findet in Wieda im Harz das 8. teamübergreifende BOINC-Treffen statt. Es werden Mitglieder verschiedener Teams und Projekte dabei sein und wir werden gemeinsamme Ausflüge unternehmen, grillen und einfach mal Leute in der Realität treffen, die man sonst nur Online kennt.

Es sind noch einige Plätze frei. Näheres zur Teilnahmen und das Antragsformular finden sich bei uns im Forum.
Ich freu mich Euch dort zu treffen.

11 Jan 2017 ECM@ARM error, you need more swap
Since ECM runs also on ARM I see many error on such systems. Thosesystems are mostly small single board systems as Raspberry Pi or Odroids. They have many cores but less RAM and mostly no swap. The ECM wokunits consume less RAM at the beginning but after some time require adhoc 1 or 2 GB of RAM. Boinc can handle it but not so fast as the RAM is allocated and running multiple ECM workunits in parallel makes it worse. They often allocate much RAM at the same time.


Configure more swap in your system. Consider the old rule swap size = 2 times RAM for systems up to 2 GB. Here a tutorial how to create more swap space: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-14-04#check-available-space-on-the-hard-drive-partition

4 Jan 2017 ECM: native apps for ARM
Since some days native ECM apps are available for ARM 64 and 32 bit Linux systems. No need anymore to install gmp-ecm package.

23 Dec 2016 ECM: double credits for P2 workunits
The ecm P2 workunits require up to 10 GB RAM. Because of this they get double credits.
Systems with less RAM should not get them.

21 Dec 2016 ECM: new version 700.02 for 64 bit Windows
On 64 bit Windows version 700.02 is twice as fast as version 700.01. You should cancel all 700.01 tasks to get version 700.02.

19 Dec 2016 OGR 25% done
Over the weekend, we passed 25% of the total work required to prove OGR-28. Also, we opened the 18-x stub space. :) Thank you for all of your efforts.

15 Dec 2016 yoyo ecm application for aarch64 (ARM 64 bit)
There is now a aarch64 (ARM 64) application for ecm on Linux available. To use it you must install the package gmp-ecm with the package manager of your Linux system.

Please report success or problems in our forum.

9 Dec 2016 ecm application improvements
I'm working on changes of the ecm application to handle larger B1 values for the elliptic curves and which runs only one curve and stage 1 and 2 in separated workunits. This allows us to attack an additional range of composites.

Most changes on the backend are already done. But now the ecm application needs to be changed. Therefore no new workunits are issued. In the next days only resent and test wokunits will be available. The new workunits will have a P1 or P2 postfix.


2 Sep 2016 ecm xyyxf finally achieved t50
The xyyxf project has finally achieved t50 (B1=43e6) on all composites. We found some prime factors or fully factored some composites. Now the project has started to enqueue numbers to partial/full t55 (B1=11e7). Most of these numbers will be ready for SNFS once we complete them. A few will likely complete ECM as soon as this weekend, with a steady stream of NFS ready composites expected thereafter. They will go to NFS@home to get them fully factored.

2 Sep 2016 Server replaced
Last month we had 2 crashes of the server. The server just powerd off. We saw no software reason for it. Some capacitors looked strange. So we placed the disks into a new server.

2 April 2016 We accept Gridcoin donations

We accept now also Gridcoin donations to S74YbWsfW2qW2mHbw7SYfPi7PyMLtz6hV8. For other donation options, check our donation page.

15 Feb 2016 Need your vote!
Our FabLab in Marburg, Germany is one of the projects of the Google Impact Challenge. I would really appreciate if you could vote for it (the green button).

Much thanks, yoyo!

18 Jan 2016 Boinc for QNAP NAS
I compiled the Boinc client for my small QNAP TS-219P NAS. Now yoyo@home runs also on my NAS. If you have also a ARM based QNAP system you can download the Boinc client here.

21 Nov 2015 Serverupdate
The yoyo@home project was migrated to a more powerfull and up to date server last night. If you encounter any problems please drop us a message in our forum

12 Sep 2015 OGR on ARM: fix start of dnetc
I just accessed an ARM system where OGR cruncher wasn't running. The OGR cruncher requires a file /lib/ld-linux.so.3, which didn't exist on this system. But there was a /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3. So I created the missing file with an link ln -s /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 /lib/ld-linux.so.3.
If OGR isn't running on your system you might do it similar to get it running.

22 July 2015 OGR: new work available
The distributed.net central key master is back online and our personal proxy fills with stubs. The workunit generator is now able to produce fresh OGR workunits.

16 July 2015 OGR: Out Of Work
The distributed.net central key master has a hardware problem since 9. of July. No new OGR stubs are submitted any more. In the last days I still had stubs in my personal proxy which is used to generate Boinc workunits. But now my personal proxy is also empty. There will be no new workunits generated until the central key master comes back online.
See also bovines blog posting.

06 July 2015 Harmonious Tree
We need to rerun some Harmonious Tree workunits. If you need some points there, now is your chance to catch some.

11 June 2015 Muon update
Check the forum entry from the author for an update of the project. I'll keep the project running with a lower weight.

29 May 2015 evolution@home update
Check the evolution@home website for an update of the author Laurence Loewe, who is currently at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

17 May 2015 Thanks to Pentathlon teams
Thanks to all Pentathlon teams. The computing power during the race was roughly 5 times more then before. 250 teams, 9122 user and 15477 computer were active in the last days.

01 Mar 2015 Android 5 version released
We released an app version which runs on Android 5 (codename Lollipop). This app is now a position independent executable (PIE) which is the standard for Android 5. If you have a new smartphone or tablet, be sure to check them out.

23 Feb 2015 OddWeirdSearch finished
Thank you so much for your support to yoyo@home and to Odd Weird Search! We just completed the current batch on numbers lower than 1028 with excess (or abundance) at most 1014. In this batch, we released about 230000 workunits, and we have checked 4323850414816 = 4.3*1012 abundant numbers for their "weirdness". This will take about 150 years on a single core, so we could not possibly accomplish it without you!

Read the complete report here.

19 Feb 2015 One Year OGR-28
It is now one year that the OGR-28 project started and yoyo@home user contributes to it. So far the project finished 4.92% of all Gnodes. At the current throughput the project might finish in 2025. But we don't know about future stubs which are sent out. They might be smaller or bigger. Additionally computing power will increase in the next years. So there is a big chance to finish the project much earlier. Much thanks to all your spent CPU cycles! -yoyo-

11 Feb 2015 Android 5: work in progress
Our Android Arm applications are currently not running on Android 5 devices. For Android 5 we have to deliver position independent executables (PIE). We are working on it. The first tests we will run in our test project yafu@home. We appreciate every Android device which is attached to yafu@home so we have many different device types and Android versions for our first public tests once the application is available.

2 Nov 2014 OGR: 1,000,000,000 GNodes
The Boinc team tested now 1,003,453,991 GNodes of the distributed.net OGR project. This is 11.9% of the whole project.

23 Oct 2014 Bitcoin Donations
You can send donations now also via Bitcoin to our Bitcoin address. Infos on our donation page.

10 Oct 2014 OWS: Deadline reduced to 5 days
The OWS project goes to it's end. Therefore I reduced the deadline to 5 days.

22 August 2014 ECM: CullenWoodall Status
Several people and organizations have completed many factorizations, all important. The most welcome one from Paul Leyland's point of view, though, has to be that of 2,951-.C290 which has been the Most Wanted Number for over ten years. It was the last virgin (i.e. no known prime factors) in the base 2 tables. The factorization into p63 * p227 was found by yoyo@home on the 16th.

14 April 2014 OWS: Optimized Version for Sandybridge
We released an optimized version for Intel Sandybridge architecture. Read more about it in our forum.

14 March 2014 Chemnitz Linux Days 2014
I will be on the Chemnitz Linux Days 2014 from 15.-16.3. in Chemnitz Germany. Rechenkraft.net has a booth in the main hall where you can meet me and other Rechenkraft.net people.
The "Chemnitz Linux Days" is a conference that deals with Linux and Open Source Software. It is open for everyone, novices and experts alike.

27 Feb 2014 OddWeirdSearch: report on new stage of our search
Check the posting about information from the author about the next stage.

27 Feb 2014 OGR-27: official results
Dear friends,

distributed.net is proud to announce the completion of OGR-27!

It is almost five years ago to the day that we began on this exciting journey. Almost 20,000 of you joined us.. without whom, it would have been impossible.

We have proven conclusively by the exhaustive search of all possible rulers that the previously predicted 27-mark ruler is indeed the most optimal one. We were confident that we would find a more optimal ruler during this search, but it was not to be.

We expected it to take us seven years to complete this awesome task but thanks to your efforts recruiting your friends and co-workers to our effort and a little help from Moore’s Law, we did it in five.

The best known ruler is 27/3-12-26-25-29-2-9-36-10-68-1-4-17-53-35-8-16-28-6-14-13-71-18-19-23-7 (length 553). Represented the other way, this is marks at positions 0 3 15 41 66 95 97 106 142 152 220 221 225 242 295 330 338 354 382 388 402 415 486 504 523 546 553.

In total, we verified 302,621,586 unique stubs (2,526 with 3-diffs, 179,120 with 4-diffs, 6,457,815 with 5-diffs and 295,982,125 with 6-diffs), requiring each to have been completed at least two times independently and with an identical node count. Additionally, due to a client implementation bug in some early clients, we required all stubs to have been verified at least once by a client greater than v2.9109.518. This delayed us by a few weeks towards the end of the project but was necessary to ensure that no work was skipped.

The shortest ruler was sent to us 11 times, with one user completing it twice. I will be writing to this user directly for some help picking lottery numbers!

We will be sending some distributed.net swag to the lucky winners and hope that you will join us as we move on to our next challenge!
(from http://blogs.distributed.net/2014/02/25/16/09/mikereed/)

23 Feb 2014 OddWeirdSearch continues
I released some workunits for Linux 64 systems as test. We now attack a range up to 1028.

19 Feb 2014 OGR-27: Finished
After 1,821 days we finished the OGR-27 project. All stubs were computed at least twice. The Boinc part of this distributed.net project computed more than 5% of all OGR-27 stubs. At the end we had a rate of 10%.
Now the Boinc server delivers OGR-28 workunits. This is to discover the most optimal Golomb Ruler with 28 marks. We anticipate that it will take about as long as OGR-27 has. It has some features in common with OGR-27: some of the packets will be very large (up to 1500 Gnodes), and there are three stub spaces. We expect that the first two stub spaces will take about 90 days to complete.
For the stats freaks among you, the number of stubs for each stubspace of OGR-28 is below:
Stubspace 1: 115676
Stubspace 2: 5823649
Stubspace 3: 518152118
No new application is needed, since OGR-27 clients are ready for OGR-28.
(from http://blogs.distributed.net/2014/02/18/23/23/mikereed/)

17 Feb 2014 Odd Weird Search finished
The Odd Weird Search Project finished, all workunits were computed. Many thanks to all valunteers. We currently evaluating the results and working on a successor application which allows us to search larger numbers.

15 Feb 2014 Harmonious Tree stopped
Some days back I stopped recycling of Harmonious Tree workunits. We will compute the remaining ones locally.

24 Jan 2014 OGR-27 project almost completed
We’re very close being able to declare OGR-27 finished, but we have just a few more stubs remaining before final completion. The previous stubspaces 27.1, 27.2, and 27.3 are now officially complete. We expect the last results in 27.4 to be received some time in the next two weeks, and then hope to begin sending out the first OGR-28 stubs within a few hours after that.

As a reminder, no new dnetc client binaries or configuration will be necessary since all existing OGR-27 (OGR-NG) clients are already capable of working on OGR-28 once we begin sending out those workunits.

Look forward to us making another blog post containing some final statistics about OGR-27 within the next two weeks!

(from http://blogs.distributed.net/2014/01/22/09/28/bovine/)

07 Jan 2014 OGR 98%
The OGR-27 project has complete now more than 98%.

02 Jan 2014 ECM: First found factor this year.
A Happy New Year to all crunchers!
User [SG-FC] hl found a 57 digit prime as a factor of the Near Repdigit Number 8*10242+9, which is the first found number in this year.

16 Nov 2013 OGR: 96% done
We have completed over 96% of the work and are now close to wrapping up OGR-27. Some of you may have noticed some difficulty getting OGR packets earlier today, due to our need to begin recycling of the remaining stubs. As I write this, there are about 20 million left that need working on. It is likely that you may experience difficulty occasionally in the coming weeks when hoping to collect OGR stubs to process. This is due to the master key server being unable to speak and chew at the same time!

(...read the remaining blog posting)

02 Nov 2013 OGR for Android
Now the yoyo@home OGR application is also available for Android devices. It runs in Native Boinc as well as in Berkeley Boinc.

07 Sep 2013 Odd Weird Search: Win XP Bug Fix
The Windows XP version produced wrong results and didn't validate with other results. Version 2 now fixes this issue.

31 Aug 2013 Odd Weird Search for win 64
The Odd Weird Search application is now also available for Windows 64 bit systems and seems to run without big issues.

27 Aug 2013 Odd Weird Search now in production
The Odd Weird Search application is now in production. In the first days the app was running very stable as well as the result verification. Therfore the app is no more in testing mode.

18 Aug 2013 New project: Odd Weird Search
The new project Odd Weird Search is now running as test project. To get work units you must enable test applications and must select the Odd Weird Search application in your preferenes. The application is currently only available for 64 bit Linux systems.

18 May 2013 HarmoniousTree Deadline
Since there are more ARM devices active for HAT, I increased the deadline to 3 days.

7 May 2013 yoyo@home selected in the Boinc Pentathlon
The 4th project of the BOINC Pentathlon in the discipline Mathematics (Weightlifting) is:

All credits granted between
05/12/2013, 0.00 (UTC) and
05/17/2013, 0.00 (UTC) will be taken into the BOINC Pentathlon validation. Please note that pending credits cannot be taken into account! The statistics for this project can be found at http://www.seti-germany.de/boinc_pentathlon/statistiken/challenge.php?challengeid=4.

Have fun crunching this project and chasing the medals.

29 March 2013 Cruncher OGR Client for Sparc Solaris updated
The cruncher ogr client is now up to date. The new version should run on 32 bit as well as on 64 bit systems. Please check it.

23 March 2013 Interview with L'Alliance Francophone
On the occasion of their Raid 2013 the team L'Alliance Francophone made an interview with yoyo@home.

23 March 2013 Race stats
For the running race here is an very frequently updated statistics of the top 10 teams.

14 March 2013 Linux Day in Chemnitz
I will be on the Linux Day in Chemnitz from 16.-17. of March. If you nearby, say hello on the Rechenkraft.net venue.

07 March 2013 Cruncher for ARM
The cruncher application is now also availble for ARM devices running Linux. Now you can run it on Rasberry Pi and other ARM systems.

01 March 2013 HarmoniousTree project will finish soon
The HarmoniousTree project will finish soon. If you want to get a certain badge of honour for this projct you have only some days, maybe weeks, left. No new workunits will be injected, the workunits are all resents. If you have an Rasberry Pi you can run HarmoniousTrees also on the Pi. Here you can see how many workunits are left.

27 February 2013 Looking for Raspberry Pi tester
We are currently testing a Raspberry Pi application for Harmonious Trees. For this we are looking for tester who run a Linux on there RasPi and can attach Boinc to yoyo@home and report how the application is running on there RasPi in our forum.

22 February 2013 Muon1 hits 40 Quad milestone
The Muon1 project today hit its 40 quadrillion particle timestep milestone. That means that in the last 2.5 years, it's processed as much work as it had in the previous 9 years. Read more about it in the official press release.
Many thanks to everyone that's participated, and we hope you'll continue to participate in the future.

04 February 2013 Muon Retrospective 2012
A retrospective of the Muon project can be read in KTetch Dureeks blog.

03 February 2013 DebianMed Meeting in Kiel, Germany
From 22. to 24. February I will be on the DebianMed meeting in Kiel. If somebody is interested in a drink and some smalltalk there send me a note. Boinc and yoyo@home will be one topic on the meeting.

02 February 2013 Harmonious Trees for Android
The Harmonious Tree application is now also available for Android and runs in NativeBOINC.

03 January 2013 ECM: end year report for GCW numbers
The GCW tables and associated information have just been posted. There is a brand new progress file for 2013q1 which contains a grand total of zero entries.

Many people have contributed to the 532 factors discovered in 2012, mostly individuals but the yoyo@home, RSALS and NFS@home collaborations have also done valuable work. My thanks to all of these and, of course, to those who contributed ECM effort but have not yet been successful. More on that below.

Since the project went public in September 2000, over twenty thousand factors have been discovered and very nearly ten thousand complete factorizations have been found. Only ten composites under 150 digits remain to be factored. There are only four composites remaining with SNFS difficulty under 210 digits and one of those is currently 50% sieved. In the light of this progress, the snfs.txt file has now been extended to 220 digits.

Perhaps now is the time to set some targets for 2013; some easy, some hard. Paul

17 November 2012 OGR: Less than a year left
If we consider the project throughput of the last days, than the project will finish in August 2013. I can't say yet what will happen afterwards. So you have time until August to catch some OGR badges.

11 October 2012 Zeit für ein Treffen?
Ich bin vom 12.-14.10. in Dresden. Falls jemand am 12. Abends Lust auf ein kleines zwangloses Treffen in Altmarktnähe hat, der schickt mit am Besten eine Mail yoyo at mailueberfall punkt de.

25 August 2012 ECM: UpForTheCount subproject added
Now also composites of the Up For The Count project are handled with ECM. This is a new subproject now. The numbers for which we search factors are of the form xx+(x+1)(x+1), e.g. np_112 is 112112+113113.

24 August 2012 New App for Harmonious Trees
The new application for Harmonious Trees is now deployed. We started now the work on Harmonious Trees with 37 nodes. The application will also continue on the remaining 35- and 36 node Harmonious Trees. Windows, Linux and Mac systems are supported.

15 August 2012 Harmonious Trees with 37 nodes
We will start soon Harmonious Trees with 37 nodes. For this we prepared a slightly changed application which handles progress indicator and checkpointing better. But to deploy the new application all workunits with the old application must have finished. Afterwards the new application will be available for Linux only. The Windows version will follow later. Remaining work for 35 and 36 nodes will also be handled by the new application.

14 August 2012 ECM: CullenWoodall subproject added
Now also composites of the CullenWoodall project are handled with ECM. This is a new subproject now.

06 August 2012 ECM: yoyo@home volunteers helped to catch a Bernoulli number
We are happy to announce the factorization of the numerator of the 200th Bernoulli number:

N = 389 * 691 * 5370056528687 * c204

c204 = p90 * p115

p90 = 149474329044343594528784250333645983079497454292838248852612270757617561057674257880592603

p115 = 2309888494878522213154166450313710367329236616136192088115975953987911840431532723141985023484762629703896050377709

See the full announcement here.

04 July 2012 ECM: big factor found
User Mitchell of team Sicituradastra found a 63 digit factor for a NearRepdigit composite. This factor is now in this years top 10 list. It was his 14th found ECM factor.

05 April 2012 OGR-27 reached half time
After 1100 days the OGR-27 project completed 50% of the work. According to the current rate the project will finish in March 2015.

05 April 2012 ECM: demanding workunits
On special request of Paul Zimmermann I put 200 demanding workunits into the queue. They are named ecm_as_Bernoulli_B200_P67. I expect, that they require 1.8GB RAM and expect a runtime of 20h. If these 200 workunits run well I will distribute further 13000.

13 March 2012 Harmonious Trees: Status report
Harmonious Tree subproject has been running rather smoothly for a couple of months. Thanks everyone who have contributed to this subproject. We have cleared n=32,33,34, and results show that every tree with at most 34 nodes are harmonious, that is to say, the harmonious tree conjecture is correct up to 34 nodes. This extends the current result on n=31. Read more in the status update.

16 Feb 2012 Muon: New Lattices
Since some days Muon runs new lattices. With the retirement of both Linac900Ext10tc2 and Linac900Ext9X we are moving on to Linac900Ext7Xc2 and Linac900Ext9Xc2. Both are development improvements of previous lattices, and attempt to work on phase handling, as well as investigate new designs without being side-tracked by jitter. Read more about it in the recent Muon1 blog.

28 Jan 2012 Muon: Best Design
Check the unOfficial Muon Blog where you can see the best design of the Linac900Removable6c2 lattice. This result was returned by yoyo@home.

26 Jan 2012 Time to meet in London ?
I will be in London from 15. Feb - 19.. If somebody want's to go for a beer and chat about nearly everything drop me a mail. -yoyo-

29 Dec 2011 30 quadrillion (30,000,000,000,000,000) particle timesteps calculated in Muon project
The Muon1 Distributed Particle Accelerator Design Project proudly announces that today, at approximately 04:00UTC, it reached the 30 quadrillion (30,000,000,000,000,000) particle timesteps (pts)milestone. Since some years the yoyo@home Boinc project provided an important amount of this work. 32% and 56% of the current running lattices are done by yoyo@home.
Read more about this milestone in the press release.

28 Dec 2011 Meeting for a drink in Berlin
There will be a beer table (you can't call it regular's table ;)) at the Brauhaus am Alex, map here at 29.12.11-19:45hrs, where I will meet Andreas (Constellation).
You will find us starting at the Sudhaus and then I will lay out some Rechnekraft.net flyers on our final table. Feel free to join us.

More in here for the beer table.

23 Dec 2011 Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2012!
We wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year 2012!

22 Dec 2011 Harmonious Tree App for Mac
The Harmonious Tree application is now also available for Intel- and PPC Mac.

17 Dec 2011 New Harmonious Tree App available
Since some days the new Harmonious Tree App is deployed. Results of the Linux version before 0.07 did not good validate against results from Windows version. On Linux systems please abort workunits with application version 0.06 and 0.05. Version 0.06 for Windows and 0.07 for Linux seems to be running well and are validating against each other.

Now Harminous Trees with 36 nodes are in the queue and also some not finished trees with 35 and 34 nodes will be queued.

24 Nov 2011 New Harmonious Tree App
Our current Harmonious Tree App leads to some nearly endless running workunits. This will get even worse for workunits with a higher number of nodes. Therefore the batch with 36 nodes is not yet in the queue. We are working on a new Harmonious Tree app which improves this. But to deploy this new app the current running workunits must have finished. They will not validate against results computed with the new app. 6 workunits are still running. I'll wait some more days for them. But if they will not be returned I have to abort them to deploy the new app. In the first step the new app will be available for Linux, later for Windows.

21 Nov 2011 ECM: A Mersenne + 2 factor found
Congratulations! (and thanks!) to user shauge, who today found the following 38-digit factor: 10704103333093885136919332089553661899 in the Mersenne + 2 ECM project.

13 Nov 2011 Please further support yoyo@home
Thanks so far for 5.500 votes. We are now at #890. We estimated that we need round about 1.500 more votes to stay in the top 1000 until the campain ends on the 15. and get the donation. Here is the voting link:


Thank you very much for your vote and support. We appreciate it very much.

23 Oct 2011 Please support yoyo@home
The project yoyo@home runs fully based on volunteer donations. It is not a project financed by universities or private commercial entities. It runs mainly on donations and money from the Rechenkraft.net e.V. association and it's members.

Now the German non-profit society Rechenkraft.net e.V. has an unique opportunity receiving a donation of EUR 1.000. For this your help is needed.

A well-known German bank as launched a campain, where 1.000 non-profit societies can win a single donation of EUR 1.000 each. The criterion for being eligible are the votes of the internet users each society receives.

With your vote Rechenkraft.net e.V. will be able to get among the first 1.000 societies.

The only thing you need to do is to register yourself with one of your email addresses on the website linked below. By clicking on the link written in an email by the bank, you confirm your vote. That's all. (There are three votes allowed per email address of which all three can go to the same society.)


Thank you very much for your vote and support. We appreciate it very much.

16 Oct 2011 Harmonious Trees for Mac
The Harmonious Tree application is now also available for Intel and PPC Mac.

25 Sep 2011 ECM number in TOP 50 list
Congratulations to user steinrar, his found factor is now at the end of the top 50 list of largest factors found by ECM.

29 Aug 2011 ECM: unusually large factor found
Alessandro Freda found a P62 to finish 853^73-1. This is an unusually large find for B1=11e6, optimal for finding 45 digit factors. This is just shy of the 63 digits currently needed for the 10 largest ECM factors this year, but makes the list of 50 largest ECM factors ever. It is both a Brent composite and a Mishima Cyclotomic Number.

14 Aug 2011 Harmonious Trees: Mac App
Harmonious Tree has now also an application for PPC and Intel Mac. It is now also no more a test application and the deadline is 2 weeks.

04 Aug 2011 Results of the Euler project
The results of our Euler search are now public available at arXiv:1108.0462v1. We give a brief history of these systems and how we searched for these big solutions on Boinc. Our two Boinc projects ran from April of 2010 to July of 2011.

04 Aug 2011 Harmonious Trees: Windows App
A Windows application for the new Harmonious Tree project is now available. You must allow test applications in your preferences to get this app. If you have any problem with the new application, report it in our forum.

31 Jul 2011 New project started
Harmonious Trees are now running as new subproject. The application is currently available for Linux 32- and 64 bit systems as test application.

26 Jul 2011 Euler project finished
The Euler project finished last weekend. 4.470 user calculated 1.840.375 results and provided 704 TeraFlops. A summary about the history and the results of the Euler project will be given in the next weeks. We intent to publish the list of all found solutions together with the users who found it.

12 Jul 2011 Muon: Two new lattices
The two lattices we had (Linac900Ext-6Xc2 and -10td2) seem to have found their maximum, having not changed for a week. Of those, the 6Xc2 running on the newer client exhibited a smoother-looking optimisation curve but apparently got stuck in a local maximum in the end.

Stephen released two new lattices that change the RF phase ranges: they are actually reparameterisations of the same problems, but could optimise differently. 10tc2 is like 10td2 but shifts the phase ranges by 180 degrees so the boundary is somewhere else (this 'c2' is actually the original setup that only changed with the 'd2' lattices). 6X is like 6Xc2 except the RF phase only goes around one cycle rather than two. Having two cycles allows the phases to move around more easily but produces 2^{number of RF cavities} copies of every maximum, which might confuse the optimiser. So Stephen is going back to the original formulation on the improved v4.45 client.

14 Jun 2011 Euler project nearly finished
Not much time to get your next Euler badge. The project will finish in less then 3 month.

10 Jun 2011 25 quadrillionen particle timesteps milestone @ Muon
The Muon1 Distributed Particel Accelerator Design Project proudly announces that today, at 14:03UTC, it reached the 25 quadrillionen (25,000,000,000,000,000) particle timesteps milestone. Yoyo@home users provided 14.6% of it. The project, which uses genetic algorithm methods, rather than the more usual 'brute force' methods, is attempting to design the best particle accelerator sections possible. It is part of the Neutrino Factory project, based out of the Rutherford Appleton Lab, in near Oxford, UK. See the full press release here.

05 Jun 2011 Euler bug fix
An internal buffer was to small, which leads to errors of some wus on Windows hosts. This is fixed now.

13 May 2011 BOINC Pentathlon
In the 2nd annual BOINC Pentathlon yoyo@home was chosen as the 5th of five projects. Credit granted from 14 May 00:00 (UTC) to 19 May 00:00 (UTC) are counted for the Pentathlon.
For more information on this special event and to see the other projects selected, please visit the BOINC Pentathlon Welcome page.

3 May 2011 Muon for Linux
The Muon application is now also available for Linux sytems. Precondition is, that you have installed the Windows emulator Wine. Just start your software package management application and install wine on your system.

1 May 2011 Cruncher OGR version update
The OGR development crew has recently identified and fixed some bugs in the OGR client codebase. One of them causes the client to skip part of a packet in very rare cases. It can happen only in OGR-27 and above, so previous projects were not affected. Fixes are included in version 518. Read more in Mikes blog.
The updated client also recognizes the new Intel Core i3 and AMD Phenom processors, which are becoming increasingly popular among budget-conscious consumers.
Now also a 64 bit Mac client is available.

30 April 2011 Muon: What's it about?
There are some common questions that are asked about Muon1, including 'what is it about', 'why should I bother?', 'what's so special about it?' and 'what does it do?'. K`Tetch semi-official Muon1 blog gives answers.

23 April 2011 Muon version 4.45
Muon version 4.45 is now in operation. The most important change is in it's accuracy. Previous versions have had a slight problem with 'flutter' or noise, meaning results are not always the most accurate.
In September/October 2010, a group of users ran a detailed scan, testing a set design with only a single variable changed throughout. It used the (recently discontinued) Linac900Ext10d2 lattice, and changed only one variable, .ls5l. in its full range from 000 to 999.
Starting mid-March 2011, a new alpha version was released and the exact same scan was run again, using the new client. The changes in accuracy are quite significant compared with the previous version.
Performance wise, little has changed, and the new client crunches about as fast as the previous client, so while there's no gain, neither is there a loss, in compensation for increased accuracy.
There is no doubt though, that Muon1 leads the field in 2nd-generation, massive-scale distributed computing. Not only is it one of the few genetic-based projects, it's also one run on almost no resources, while still being not just cutting edge, but bleeding edge. For a much more detailed description of all improements of the native muon1.exe client check the blog.

5 April 2011 Out of town
From 11.-17. April I'm in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I hope the server continues without problems. But anyway, if somebody is also there and wants to go for a drink, just drop me an info. -yoyo-

2 April 2011 EvoRobots
We are testing a new subproject on Linux systems. Enable test applications to get work.

21 March 2011 Discussion about new subproject
A discussion about a new subproject has started in the forum. It is about Perfect Cuboids, which is an unsolved problem in number theory. If you want to be part of the development team, join us. We need C/C++ developer and mathematicans.

19 January 2011 ECM MP problem: help needed
We have some problems with a ecm_mp batch. I aborted the whole batch. Only Linux 64 was able to finish some work units. But to find the issue I need some Windows 64 bit tester. If you want to help, follow these instructions.

01 January 2011 Happy New Year
I wish all yoyo@home participants a healthy, happy and successful new year.

17 December 2010 OGR: new app
The cruncher application for Sparc Solaris and PS3 are now updated to distributed.net client 518. This includes an faster assembler core for PS3.

05 December 2010 First Mersenne + 2 factor found!
Congratulations! (and thanks!) to user [P3D] Crashtest who found the first factor for the Mersenne + 2 ECM factoring project. This 45-digit factor (128201605404515119370139202836664201936768339) is so far one of the biggest found factors of the Mersenne + 2 project.

02 November 2010 Behind the scenes
There are some discussions ongoing to add 2 more math projects to yoyo@home. Also for evolution@home some enhancements are planned for the future. But nothing is currently very clear, so I do not state any dates. I just want to let you know that something is ongoing. I let you know if the things are more clear. -yoyo-

21 October 2010 Opinion about Graceful Trees
Somebody proposed a new sub project about Graceful Trees. Please join the discussion and raise your opinion about it.

30 September 2010 Euler625 20% finished
We computed 20% of the search space in less then 4 month. Have a look to the stats and the found solutions.

06 September 2010 ECM OddPerfect
ALL FACTORED! Since March, every OddPerfect number worked by yoyo@home has been completely factored - 42 numbers so far. Yoyo@home found the factors for some of these, and showed there were no small factors for the rest. The rest were finished by the RSALS project using the Special Number Field Sieve (SNFS). All of these numbers are 200 to 250 digits, and all the factorizations are wanted by working mathematicians.

01 August 2010 London: 30 Aug - 5 Sept
I will be in London attending the BoincWorkshop and Citizen Cyberscience Summit. If anybody is interested to go for a beer in the evening drop me a message. I will be in London from 30. August - 5 September. (yoyo)

16 July 2010 Muon has hit 20 Quadrillion particle-timesteps
The Muon1 Distributed Particle Accelerator Design Project proudly announces that today, at 08:07GMT, it reached the 20 quadrillion (20,000,000,000,000,000) particle time-steps (pts) milestone. This is the amount of work needed to simulate a particle for 55 hours, 33 minutes and 20 seconds, which at an average of 90% of the speed of light (0.9c) would cover a distance of 360 Astronomical Units - ten times the average distance between Pluto and the Sun, and three times further than the most distance man-made object (Voyager 1) has traveled. (press release)
The Boinc community provided in total 12.4% of the power of the whole Muon1 project. For the most recent running lattices the Boinc part is between 30 and 40%.
At the end of this article is a good overview about the planned neutrino factory.

07 July 2010 cruncher app updated (517)
All cruncher/ogr apps are now updated to the latest stable distributed.net clients. There are bug fixes and new assembler cores available for 32- and 64 bit systems which should improve speed on selected prozessors. For a complete list of all changes check the forum.

29 June 2010 Euler625 solutions
The Euler application found already some new primitive solutions. The forum is frequently update with information which solution was found by whom.

22 June 2010 Euler625 for Mac
The Euler625 application is now also available for Intel32-, Intel64- and PPC Mac systems. Much thanks to Michael.

19 June 2010 cruncher app updated
All cruncher/ogr apps are now updated to the latest stable distributed.net clients. There are bug fixes and new assembler cores available now for 32- and 64 bit systems which should improve speed on selected prozessors up to 30%. Now also a win64 app is avaiable. For a complete list of all changes check the forum.

12 June 2010 Euler625 new search
A new Euler application is now on test for Linx32 and Linux64 systems. To get the app you must enable test applications. Workunits are sometimes created for testing. The new Euler application searches now up to 250.000. There are 510.000 workunits in total. But first we need testers.

08 June 2010 Euler625 finished
The project is complete!

There are 181 solutions to (6,2,5) below 117649 ! We discovered 32 new solutions during this computation, and double-checked all the existing solutions. The only sad news is that we didn't find a solution to (6,2,4). Let's hope that the next project will discover one.

19 May 2010 Twitter Feed
Found ECM factors and Euler solutions are now send as Twitter Feed. Check also the end of the news section at the yoyo@home homepage.

12 May 2010 Twitter Feed
Should I post found ECM factors and Euler solutions to our Twitter Feed? State your opinion in the forum.

02 May 2010 Euler: new solutions
So far, two new solutions have been discovered:
We can expect 30 more solutions before the end of this computation. And we can hope for a (6,2,4)...
For a more detailed description of the Euler project read the description in the forum.

24 April 2010 Euler: new project
Euler, a new project is now included in yoyo@home. The project runs currently as test project and has short deadlines. Euler (6,2,5) computes minimal equal sums of power 6. The project is dedicated to all those who are fascinated by powers and integers.

15 April 2010 ECM bug
Some ecm work units were underestimated in there memory requirements. They crashed mostly on Windows 32bit systems. This is now fixed in the wu generator. With the next batch of work units required memory is limited to 1800 M Byte. There will be of course a lot of work units which require much less memory. I just limited the top requirements.

I also hope that the long running ECM will sometimes lead to a new record ECM prime factor.

08 April 2010 Boinc community workshop
In 2 weeks the Boinc community meets for 3 days in Wieda/Germany. There are still some places available. More information in our forum. I hope to see some of you there.

29 March 2010 ogr@ps3
I hope sony just made an april fools joke on that: http://blog.eu.playstation.com/

PS3 Firmware 3.21 will be available this Thursday. It will disable the .Install Other OS. feature that was available on the PS3 systems prior to the current slimmer models, launched in September 2009. This feature enabled users to install an operating system, but due to security concerns, we.re now removing this feature.

For most of you, this won't have any impact on how you use your PS3. If you are one of the few who use the 'Other OS' feature, or if you belong to an organisation that does, then you can choose not to upgrade your system.

19 February 2010 subproject stats
For each subproject I added links to the stats pages of Free-DC. Now you can see per subproject the top teams and top participiants. Thanks to Free-DC to provide these stats.

14 February 2010 additional badges
I added some new badges to the system and hope they will be sufficient for the next years. Enjoy the additional levels and have fun ;).

16 January 2010 ECM: factor
The factor, which was found by Jeff17, is now recorded as the biggest one in the XYYXF ecm top record list.

14 January 2010 ECM: record factor
Jeff17 found a 57 digit prime factor for the XYYXF number 11063+63110. This is his 8. factor and our 3. in the 2010 top 10 list.

01 January 2010 yoyo@home under review
Currently, the RKN seal of approval reviews Yoyo@home. You all are invited to deliver your assessment and thus contribute to a meaningful result.

29 December 2009 ECM: record factor
Lazarus-uk found a 68 digit record prime factor which put us on the top of the top50 list of the lagest ever found gmp-ecm factors.

24 December 2009 EVO for Linux
We fixed a problem, that EVO was not finding it's result on Linux systems. Therefore we run a evo_B* series of short wus to see if now it runs properly. All old evo_A* wus were canceled. Please help to test and run some evo wus on Linux with wine.

I would like to wish all participants of yoyo@home a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! As always, many thanks for your continued support of the project.


19 December 2009 EVO for Linux
You can now run evolution@home also on Linux if you have installed Wine. Read more about it in the forum.

18 December 2009 ECM: new numbers
Some new work units starting with 'ecm_nr_' includes now a new type of number for which we search factors. We want to find factors for near-repdigit numbers. A near-repdigit number is a number whose all digits are the same except one digit somewhere.

18 December 2009 short server outage
Today we had a outage of 2 hours. The power supply unit of the server decided to finish it's work. We replaced it with a new one.

10 December 2009 ECM: 55 digit factor
Beyond found again a 55 digit number for the XYYXF ECM project. With this number yoyo@home users filled 50% of XYYXFs top20 ECM list.

06 December 2009 ECM: your factors
In your user page you can see how many factors were found by you. If you click on this number you see which factors.

28 November 2009 Muon for Linux
You can now run Muon also on Linux if you have istalled Wine. Read more about it in the forum.

25 November 2009 Muon Stats
We reached now the top position in the stats of Muon and providing more than 40% of the project power.

23 October 2009 5. Pan-Galactic BOINC Workshop
Greetings from Barcelona. The workshop just finished. You can find the names of the attending people and the slides of the talks on the workshop web page. The remaining slides will be uploaded in the next days. There are also rumours, that something will be uploaded on YouTube and Flickr. We also made our first public presentation of our new RNA World project, which will go public in the next days. Currently it is beeing tested by a closed alpha test group. In the meantime the server is running well, produces some ECM factors and also the long running evo wus are processing well. Thanks for all your support, yoyo.

12 October 2009 ECM: XYYXF record factor
User Beyond found a 55 digit prime factor for XYYXF number 11691+91116. This number brings us again into the projects ECM record list.

03 October 2009 evolution@home
In the next days I will start creating evolution@home work units, which have doubled run times as the currently running evo wus. They have still no checkpoints.

27 September 2009 ECM
WUs in progress are no more aborted by project. I found a way to only abort wus which are not yet started if a factor was found and the result is no more needed.

26 September 2009 Subproject Signature
Free-dc.org created a signature picture with all your yoyo@home subproject stats. Just use this URL http://stats.free-dc.org/yoyotag.php?id=1&theme=1 Here is an example

Thanks to Bok.

22 September 2009 ECM: XYYXF record factor
On 15. this month user asb2106 found a 55 digit prime factor for XYYXF number 14480+80144. This number brings us to position 4 in the projects ECM record list.

29 July 2009 Cruncher: faster OGR cores
I updated the Cruncher application to the latest distributed.net version. The new x86 clients contain three new OGR cores. Depending on your CPU type, the new cores may provide a significant speed improvement over the cores used in previous client versions. In the ppc versions some bugs were fixed.

24 July 2009 Podcast
yoyo@home gets featured in #36 of the German Boinc Podcast.

12 July 2009 ECM: OddPerfect
User atreis found a 59 digit record prime number for the OddPerfect number 195069129-1. This number will probably soon listed as #2 in the top 10 of the largest prime numbers found by ECM this year and also jump into the all-time top 50 table.

12 July 2009 Evolution@home
A new paper was published by Laurence Loewe in BioMed Central about A framework for evolutionary systems biology.

09 Jun 2009 yoyo@home in the news
On 14th of June 09 yoyo and yoyo@home will be featured in a short presentation on grid computing in the German TV program 3SAT Neues at 16:30 GMT+1. While the main focus of this program will be grid computing in general, the special efforts of the volunteer computing community will also be featured.

17 May 2009 Muon stats page
On the new Muon stats page you can now see the progress of the running optimizations.

09 May 2009 Rechnkraft.net e.V. first scientific contribution
the registered non-profit association Rechenkraft.net e.V. made a major step ahead and proudly announces a first contribution to a scientific article in one of the major microbiology journals (Molecular Microbiology). As the result of a cooperation project carried out with the work group of Prof. Dr. Umesh Varshney from the Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, we just published an article about the Impact of rRNA methylations on ribosome recycling and fidelity of initiation in Escherichia coli. Notably, one of the computer modeling figures computed for this article even made it to the cover image of Molecular Microbiology's May issue.

With this step, the volunteer computing association Rechenkraft.net left its first scientific footprints. We will further proceed to contribute and support world wide distributed and grid computing and, in addition to this, try to generate and evaluate some of the processed results by lab experiments where possible in the future. We are happy about each new member joining our association to support our efforts and, of course, donations are also welcome ;).

Kind regards,
yoyo & Michael.

03 May 2009 Stats: OGR & Muon
Something about yoyo@home's contribution to the wrapped projects. For the current running Muon optimization Boinc users provided 47% of the whole effort.
The OGR-27 project has now completed 1,25% and the predicted end will be in 2023. The yoyo@home team is number 2 of all teams and contributed 7,3% of all GNodes.

02 May 2009 ECM: ElevenSmooth
User [ESL Brigade] NaiV found a P43 that reduced the unfactored primitive of 26160+1 from C1142 to C1099. This is the second known factor of this primitive; the other known factor is a P15 also found by ElevenSmooth.

14 April 2009 ECM: ElevenSmooth
yoyo@home users found a P48 and a P50 for 23080+1, finishing the factorization of this primitive by leaving a P481. User jalmari found the P48 at 9:40 CET on Easter Sunday, then user Bent Vangli finished the number with a P50 at 12:20. No factors were previously known for this primitive. The factors were all confirmed prime with Dario Alpern's Java factoring applet. This is the sixteenth primitive for which ElevenSmooth has completed the factorization, and the fourth done by yoyo@home.

29 March 2009 ECM: OddPerfect, ElevenSmooth
Last week we extended the number range and run some test workunits with up to 85000 digits. Unfortunately in the first try the work generator was not able to handle such big numbers and greated wrong work units. We fixed it and run all the test work units again and found already some factors during the test. On some clients the big numbers crashed, mostly Windows. If you had ecm work units with exit code 195 (0xc3) and in stderr out you have app exit status: 0xc00000fd you can help to find a solution for it.
We found also a P51 from 23360+1 leaving a P393 which completes the factorization of this primitive; a P8 and a P13 were known before the founding of ElevenSmooth. This is the largest factor ElevenSmooth has found by ECM, and this is the fourteenth primitive for which ElevenSmooth has completed the factorization.

23 March 2009 ECM: OddPerfect
Yoyo@home users found two new factors for 398581 factor chains. Many proofs about odd perfect numbers are based on factor chains. Factor chains based on 398581 are important because it is the only possible next link for two chains. In a recently completed yoyo OddPerfect project, these were two of eleven composite numbers whose factors would improve the best known 398581 chains. Thanks to the yoyo users for progressing this work.


19 March 2009 Graphs added
On the bottom of the server status page are now some graphs about average runtime, amount of unsent workunits and subproject flop distribution.

16 March 2009 ECM: Mac 64 bit
Now also a 64 bit Mac version is available. I think this is the first time ecm runs on a 64 bit Mac system. ECM developer had changed the assembler code to get it working.

14 March 2009 ECM: Mac version
A Mac version for x86 and PPC is now released. Thanks to Michael Tughan for this. Please test and report the results in the forum.

08 March 2009 ECM: extensions
I enlarged the number ranges for ECM now. In the last weeks I made much tests with large number and enhanced runtime prediction formulas and introduced also formulas for dynamic memory prediction. This allows us to run also numbers for the Mersenneplustwo Factorization Project. These numbers runs much longer than numbers before and consumes up to 2GB of RAM. If your system does not have the required amount of memory free Boinc will not download or start these work units.

24 February 2009 OGR: OGR-26 finished, -27 started
OGR-26 is now officially completed. I cancelled all remaining OGR-26 wus. Wus which are now sent are OGR-27 wus.
Due to variations in complexity, distributed.net expects that OGR-27 will take significantly longer than OGR-26 did. It is difficult to provide a precise estimate but one extremely rough guess is about 7 years, assuming no increase in computing power and that the size estimation sampling reflects the entire stubspace.
There is one thing that is different with OGR-27 than with previous OGR projects: distributed.net is confident that we will discover a better ruler for OGR-27 than the one which is known to be optimal currently.

23 February 2009 ECM: OddPerfect
This weekend yoyo@home finished work on a batch of small composites and advanced a special project for Vanishing Fermat Quotients. We factored a dozen of the small composites. The most fun was 158 digit number for which we found two 40 digit factors. Only about 6 in 10,000 composites have two such factors, and even then we often miss one of the factors until later.

Vanishing Fermat Quotients (VFQ) happen when, for primes p and q, q2 divides pq-1. Pace Nielsen has many cases are simplified when the VFQs have two large factors, and the simplest way to verify that is to show two large factors. yoyo@home has found four new VFQ factors so far.

16 February 2009 OGR: new versions
All Cruncher versions are updated to the latest 509 version of distributed.net client. Read in the forum about the detailed changes.

15 February 2009 ECM: ElevenSmooth factor found
Stefan Ver3 found a P37 factor from 215120+1 on Valentine's day. Two small factors were previously known; this reduces the composite cofactor from C2063 to C2026.

14 February 2009 OGR-26: End Phase
OGR-26 processed more than 94% and will probably finish this month. Much thanks to all Boinc crunchers. The Boinc Community reached #3 in distributed.net's team stats.

09 February 2009 ECM: OddPerfect
The largest work units have been looking for 55 digit factors of OddPerfect's Most Wanted Numbers. This weekend we finished a heavy duty pass through these without success. We had a 30% chance of finding a 55 digit factor; there is a 20% chance that we missed a 55 digit factor. We will be revisiting these numbers often checking for 55 and 60 digit factors. Although it is disappointing to have no Most Wanted Factors, it's exciting to be this thoroughly tested already.
The smaller work units have been looking for 45 digit factors in a batch of small residual composites left over from previously factored numbers. We've had better luck with these, finding several factors already. Behind this batch there are several special projects in the queue.

04 February 2009 ECM: new projects
The ECM application is now connected to OddPerfect, ElevenSmooth and XYYXF. The currently running factorizations can be seen on this page. I'm also working on a page with all found factors.

20 January 2009 ECM: a regular application
ECM is no test application any more. It's now a regular yoyo@home application. Additionaly the deadline is increased to 5 days for new work units. Now also work units for ElevenSmooth are in the queue.

18 January 2009 OGR: new win32 app
Cruncher 2.1 was updated to dnet version 508b which contains a new MMX assembler core. This improves performance by up to 30%. The progress indicator increases now by 14,3%.

17 January 2009 OGR: new PS3 app
Cruncher 2.10 runs OGR now also on all SPEs. This should drastically increase the performance of the PS3.

17 January 2009 ECM: numbers for OddPerfect
OddPerfect has many tasks that we work on from time to time. The variety of easy and hard tasks keeps things interesting. Yoyo@home's BOINC ecm has already pushed several tasks beyond where William expected to get in all of 2009. In addition we've had the fun of being major contributors to Paul Zimmermann's the Top 10 Factors of 2009.
Read the whole story ...

10 January 2009 ECM: test status
The ECM test runs quite good. 64 bit hosts are much faster than 32 bit hosts. Our test found already some factors and we are listed in the 2009 ECM Top 10.
If somebody is able to compile on Mac contact me. In this case we could release also a Mac version. The boinc lib, the wrapper, libgmp and ECM must be compiled and optimized.

07 January 2009 OGR-NG: status
OGR-26 made significant progress in the last month. Over 50% is completed. We will probably finish this project in March.

29 December 2008 ECM: new subproject
ECM is the next app which is wrapped. Ecm is a program for Elliptic Curve Factorization which is used by a couple of projects to find factors for different kind of numbers.
Some test wus for Linux 32/64 are currently running. To participate on the first tests you must enable test applications in your yoyo@home preferences. Please report problems, suggestions or even success in the forum.

03 December 2008 OGR-NG: small application update
Now are all old ogr wus, which contained only 2 ogr, are over. Therefore I update job.xml to now contain 4 tasks. The progress indicator increases now in 4 steps. To get closer to the PS3 needs I also increased the number of ogr contained in one boinc wu to 7.

30 November 2008 Badges
Since round about one week I'm collecting credits per user and sub project. You will be rewarded with a badge if you reach a certain level of credits per sub project. The following levels exists currently:
Bronze - 10.000 credits
Silver - 100.000 credits
Gold - 500.000 credits
Master - 1.000.000 credits.
Thanks to Rebirther for the work on the icons.

26 November 2008 Project Changes
In preparation to a PS3 version which uses also SPE I increased the amount of ogr which are in one Boinc wu. There are now 4 ogr in one Boinc wu instead of 2.
I also capture credits and number of wus per subproject for teams and user. If somebody want's to generate some nice statistics or signature pictures out if it these stats are exported here.

23 November 2008 OGR-NG: official relased
The OGR cruncher is now official released. I made also an update of the windows client to the latest version (507b) which was released by distributed.net.

21 November 2008 OGR-NG: Solaris Sparc64
I released also a Sparc64 beta client for OGR-NG. Please test and report in the forum if it runs.

20 November 2008 evolution@home
I created now all new evolution@home simulations. On the server status page you can now see how many workunits are available to finish the first basic goal of the new simulation series.

19 November 2008 muon: some statistic
We are providing a continous flow of results to Stephen Brooks Muon1 project. In total 2.77% are provided by the Boinc system. In the current running Linac900Removable6 simulation the Boinc system contributed 21.6%.

16 November 2008 evolution@home: new simulations
A new set of computing tasks is published today in order to further investigate how two different types of slightly harmful DNA changes interact with each other's evolutionary behaviour in a population. The new workunits are named 'evo_A....'. Runtime is up to 2 days (on our 500MHz Pentium reference system).

07 November 2008 OGR-NG: new beta apps
I added beta applications for OGR-NG (ogr next generation). You must enable test applications to get them.

The effective search rate is actually more efficient as these new applications are using an improved algorithm. The new algorithm is named FLEGE (Feiri-Levet Enhanced GARSP Engine). In technical terms, the number of elements in the 'choose lookup table' has been increased from 48K to 2M elements. This optimization will significantly reduce the number of nodes that we have to search through, sometimes a node improvement of ten-fold or more.

Distributed.net estimates that OGR-26 will take much less time to complete than OGR-25 and will probably be more similar to OGR-24, in terms of computational effort. Beyond that, distributed.net is looking forward to OGR-27 and OGR-28 because the current solutions to at least one of the two is very likely not optimal. OGR-26 is on the way and must be done first since higher-order rulers depend on the proven optimality of previous ones.

26 October 2008 OGR-25: Successfully Finished
The 8-year-old OGR-25 distributed computing project has just proven conclusively that the predicted shortest 25-mark Golomb ruler is optimal. 'The total length of the ruler is 480, with marks at positions: 0 12 29 39 72 91 146 157 160 161 166 191 207 214 258 290 316 354 372 394 396 431 459 467 480. (This ruler may alternatively be expressed in terms of the distance between those positions, which is how dnetc displays them: 12-17-10-33-19-...).' 124,387 people participated in the project and two people found the shortest ruler, one on October 10, 2007 and the other on March 24, 2008.

Yoyo@home user participated on this contest for 446 days, calculated 710,813,759 GNodes and reached together #6 in the team ranking.

Big thanks to all participiants.

19 October 2008 What next?
In some days ogr will be over. I would enjoy to start the discussion which project should be included next. If you also have contact to the authors of some projects, leave me a message. And of course if somebody is interested to help in the integration, contact me.
I also have some projects on my radar, but will not start the discussion with these ;). So discussion is reopend, give your suggestions in our forum.

12 October 2008 OGR: 0.15% left
Only 0.15% ogr left and we are going to finish the project. Therfore I encourage all users to use only small buffers. Otherwise the OGR would already have been crunched by somebody else and the result does not help the project to finish.

Some weeks ago I changed already some settings for OGR Boinc WUs:

04 October 2008 evolution@home has quantified Muller's ratchet in the worm C. elegans
The small worm Caenorhabditis elegans is known for his high rate of selfing that may make it susceptible to the operation of Muller's ratchet. Now evolution@home has found that this worm would indeed be in trouble if there were no processes that would counter genomic decay in this worm or if selfing was very old. See the full article here.

29 September 2008 OGR: 1% left
Less than 1.1% ogr left. The project will end in round about one week.

20 September 2008 OGR: 2% left
98% of all ogr workunits are finished. Our Final Push for ogr Race kicked the project a step forward. The predicted end date for ogr is now the 8 of October. Thanks to all racing teams for participation.

11 September 2008 OGR: 3.2% left
We made progress there are only 3.2% ogr left to crunch. 1 of October is now the predicted and date.

06 September 2008 OGR: 4% left
We made progress there are only 4% ogr left to crunch.

01 September 2008 OGR: 5.1% left
With the start of our race there are only 5.1% ogr left to crunch.

29 August 2008 workunit ID 1.000.000 finished
User dago.net finished workunit ID 1.000.000 yesterday, which was a OGR workunit.

24 August 2008 OGR: 6.8% left
OGR steps forward to its final goal. There are only 6.8% of work left until the finish line.

18 August 2008 Challenge: final push for ogr
be prepared for the final push for ogr challenge".
This race starts at 1. September 0:00 UTC and ends at 15. September 0:00 UTC. The team and user with the most credits in this period is the winner.

The goal of this race is to push the OGR project a bit to its final goal. Currently more than 90% are finished and we hope that the project will still finish in 2008. The OGR project searches for a optimal Golomb rulers of order 25. We encourage each participant to enable only the cruncher application during the race and switch muon and evolution@home off.

The race stats can be seen at boincstats.

Happy Crunching,

14 August 2008 OGR nearly finished
The OGR subproject did some major steps in the last weeks, more than 92% are finished. The predicted end date is galloping towards us at a phenomenal rate. The 30-day prediction, which uses the stats from the last 30 days to project an end date, has decreased by 2.5 months in the last 3-4 days. It is very possible that this project could be wrapped up before the end of the month.

06 August 2008 1. yoyo@home birthday
One year ago the first ogr workunits were credited in distributed.net stats. It was a wonderful year.
One year ago my goal was to learn how the Boinc server works and how an existing application can be wrapped into the Boinc world. Now, one year later, ogr, evo and muon are wrapped and all 3 applications are productive and provide more results to the projects than expected.
So let us celebrate the first birthday of yoyo@home. The ogr project is now completed with more than 90% and the yoyo@home team is number 7 in the worldwide dnet team stats. It seems that ogr will finish in October 2008. Let us focus on ogr and make a great ogr end race to show the whole Boinc power to distributed.net.


23 July 2008 Muon simulates a new design
Since some days Muon simulates a new design. This lattice is an attempt to improve yield by adopting a "monolithic" design for the first 10 solenoids. All previous Muon lattices have left 50cm gaps between the solenoids for engineering reasons and for diagnostics to be inserted, but near the target it is becoming clear that the whole first few metres of the muon channel will be designed as a single module. This gives more options for magnetic field profiles in the important area immediately after the target rod, which Stephen Books is hoping can reduce the muon beam divergence further down the channel.

15 July 2008 evolution@home Boinc contribution
By now the BOINC system has contributed more CPU-years in results than all previous email submissions combined to evolution@home. yoyo@home has now reached 162.63 CPU years, since the BOINC scheduler started in Nov 2007. Thus, the BOINC contributions have overtaken the results submission by email for the first time. Read more about it on evolutionary-research.

29 June 2008 Screensaver
Cruncher and evo have now a screensaver. Many thanks to Alderan who played around with OpenGL.

26 June 2008 News in boincmanager
I played a bit around with sending news to the clients. You can now see 3 buttons in your boincmanager if you click on yoyo with the 3 most recent news topics.

07 June 2008 Interview with author of evolution@home
Some days ago I made an interview with Laurence Loewe, the author of evolution@home, about his project, some results, the integration in Boinc and the future of evolution@home.

23 May 2008 OGR-25 end prediction
OGR-25 is still predicted to be in 2008. Have a look to this prediction page where also the completion of all stubspaces is shown.

18 May 2008 Cruncher version 1.2x
I released a new cruncher version. Now the cpu time is stored at each checkpoint. The displayed cpu time in boinc manager should now not fallback so much after a restart. Report problems in this thread.

26 April 2008 faulty muon wus
Please cancel all muon wus with the name "muon_080425171315". These wus will not run.

22 April 2008 Evolution@home: news update
In the news of evolution@home is now an article about evolution@home demonstrates minimalist global computing.

11 April 2008 Evolution@home: work generator stopped
Evolution@home announced a new simulator to run new kinds of simulation. Therefore I stopped work generation for the existing simulator until the new one is integrated in yoyo@home to empty the evo queue. I hope it will not take a longe time until the simulator is released.

06 April 2008 Evolution@home: why are we still alive
The first results of evolution@home are now available for public download. Read more about "Why are we still alive?". By the way, evolution@home had its 7th birthday.

05 April 2008 Muon 1.07 released
I released a new version for muon which in avarage should be faster than before. Read about all changes here.

17 March 2008 Server problems solved
The server and mysql crashes in the past are now solved. The CPU fan was broken. Everytime the system gets high load it was to hot for the CPU and the system crashed. Mysql was the first part which crashed.

08 March 2008 New application
We test Muon as new application, thanks to Cody for coding the wrapper.

03 March 2008 Just a note
We host currently a German youth research project on the yoyo@home server. I do not know if this has influence to yoyo@home.

01 March 2008 mysql problems
We have strange problems with our mysql server. The server crashes very often and restarts, but after restart the Boinc server processes have problems. We are working on it.

14 February 2008 Future about evolution@home integration
Some news and future views about the integration of evolution@home are now posted in the evolution@home blog.

10 February 2008 Top 10 reached
After 187 days ogr crunching yoyo@home reached top 10 in distributed.net overall team stats. The predicted end of ogr-25 is end of Sptember 2008.

03 February 2008 Crash-Tour T-Shirt
Yes you were part of this crash and you can show it with this T-Shirt. A part of the money will be used to keep the server running.

02 February 2008 Server is back
The new server runs now without any big problems. In the first hours I will not send new work units because there are wus in the world which could be over the deadline. These would be resent by the feeder. So I give you a chance to empty your buffers and upload all wus.

31 January 2008 Server crash
Yesterday our small server was not able to handle all your request. The runtime of OGR WUs was getting shorter and shorter and all hosts requested more frequently new WUs and reported finished ones back. This leads to high traffic in the database and to out of memory on the system. This server also hosts the homepage, forum and wiki of the Rechenkraft.net association. To get them up again we immediately stopped access to yoyo@home. The server went back to normal forum and wiki processing.

Last night we analysed the problem and decided that we need more memory and a separation of yoyo@home and the rest of the rechenkraft.net page. Thanks to the support which I got in chat and to the donations, we now ordered a new server for yoyo@home.

Our new server is installed and got the yoyo@home backup but is currently not yet online. I think that workunits which reached the server will get credits, but it seems that there are a couple of WUs which were not properly uploaded. For these no credits can be granted. We hope to be online very soon.

26 January 2008 Linux 32 bit 1.09
Version 1.09 of cruncher for Linux 32 bit contains now the newest distributed.net client version 2.9015-504.

14 January 2008 new evolution@home wus
I created some new evolution@home workunits, which are now twice as long as before.

13 January 2008 new PS3 Cruncher
A memory corruption problem was recently detected in the PS3 version of the cruncher. Read more about it in our forum and report problems or even that there are no problems.

06 January 2008 new evo wus
I will create new workunits for evolution@home. The new workunits runs longer than before. Because of missing checkpoints I will grant 30% more credits for all credits which are higher than 100.

06 January 2008 1.04 of evolution@home
Version 1.04 will no more crash if the work unit restarts. But it starts from the very beginning, it does not resume the work unit.

01 January 2008 Evolution@home now productive
The evolution@home application is now productive. By default you will get now workunits from both applications. You can change these settings in your preferences.


27 December 2007 Fixed credits for evo
Fixed credits for evolution@home workunits are now in place. Report problems or questions in our forum.

26 December 2007 Best wishes
I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year. Thank you for supporting yoyo@home and running to rank #25 in the distributed.net team stats.


23 December 2007 Top 30 reached
The race between L'Alliance Francophone and SETI.Germany pushed yoyo@home in the top 30 of the overall distributed.net team stats. Thanks fellow crunchers for this christmas gift.

21 December 2007 evolution@home update
Short update information for evolution@home: In the last days I automated the sending of results to Laurence, the author of evolutio@home. I sent round about 100MB of compressed data. He was on a conference and busy with preparations for it. But now he reviews and imports the results. As next step I will work on fixed credits to aoid double computing. I clarified the concept and have now an idea how it could be calculated. If both things are working I will switch from beta to productive.

14 December 2007 7 times OGR output
Since some days a race between the #1 and #2 team is ongoing. Therefore the OGR output povided to distributed.net is now 7 times more than before. I keep a very close eye to the server to ensure everytime enough work units.

02 December 2007 Beta version of evolution@home for Mac
I released a beta version of evolution@home for Mac. Give feedback in the forum.

01 December 2007 Top 50 reached
yoyo@home reached the top 50 in the overall distributed.net team stats.

25 November 2007 Server status page
I added information on the server status page to see for which application work units are available.

23 November 2007 1.02 beta of evolution@home
Version 1.02 runs additional to Windows XP also on Windows 2000 and Vista. It has also a progress indicator. But it is hard to estimate the time to complete a workunit and also the progress. So it may happen that the workunit finishes already at 50%. But anyway better than no progress indicator.

22 November 2007 First beta of evolution@home
The first beta of evolution@home is running and it runs better than expected. The results contains already real usefull simulations which will be send back to the author.
Thanks to rebirther for the logo update.
BTW: If somebody wants to develop a nice screensaver send me a mail.

20 November 2007 New versions for Mac and Linux
To get rid of the sometimes appearing endless loop at 87% of the wu I created new versions for Intel and PPC Mac and for 32- and 64 bit Linux. This problem happened for round about 10% of the work units on Mac and Linux.

20 November 2007 Backup
I implemented a database backup and some cleanup of all the generated log and statistics.
The server runs smoothly without any manual intervention. More than 100 days OGR are crunched for distributed.net. In total individual and team stats we are in the top 100. On daily basis we are in the top 5.
I started now phase III, wrapping the next project.

06 October 2007 Statistics
After two month providing OGR back to distributed.net the yoyo@home Boinc wrapper team is on the overall rank 157 of all teams in distributed.net statistic.
OGR has now completed more than 72% of its search space, predicted end is mid of 2008.

02 October 2007 64 bit Linux version update
Some volunteers reported problems on 64 bit Ubuntu. I hope version 1.08 now fixes this issue. This version is now a native 64 bit version.

30 September 2007 Free BSD version
Added a Free BSD version for Intel.

29 September 2007 Additional clients
Thanks to Dotsch clients for PS3 and Sparc Solaris could be added. Please test and report success and problems in our forum. A Boinc 5.11.0 client for Solaris can be downloaded here.

27 September 2007 OGR project status
OGR has now completed more than 70% of its search space. Some predictions predict the end for the mid of 2008.

16 September 2007 New validator
A new validator is in operation which grants credits based on calculated GNodes. Quorum is now set to 1 and credits are granted immediately.

07 September 2007 Statistics
After one month providing OGR back to distributed.net the yoyo@home Boinc wrapper team is on the overall rank 651 of all teams in distributed.net statistic.

06 September 2007 Version 1.08
Suspend / resume did not work properly on Windows. This version solves the problem. If there a problems with this version report it in our forum.

02 September 2007 Parameter for WUs changed
I increased the estimated fpops for a workunit 20 times. This should avoid to many downloads which can not fit the deadline. For new workunits the deadline is increased to 7 days.

31 August 2007 Version 1.07
Suspend, resume, exit should now works properly in version 1.07. Thanx to Codemann and scsimodo. Please report problems in our forum.

29 August 2007 Version 1.06
Version 1.06 contains checkpoints and a progress indicator. Progress bar will be increased every 1/8 of the WU. Please report problems in the forum.

29 August 2007 64 bit version for Linux
I added a 64 bit version for Linux. Please report problems in this thread.

14 August 2007 More clients?
If you are interested in clients for different platforms send me a mail (yoyo at mailueberfall dot de) or post it in our forum.

13 August 2007 Version 1.05 Intel Mac / Linux
Linux version is now static linked and works also on systems with older gcc.
Intel Mac version should now also work. The execute flag on cruncher was missing.

12 August 2007 Profile picture
The problem storing the profile picture is now solved.

10 August 2007 Here we are
Here we are on a new server with fixed IP. Account creation is open.

03 August 2007 Windows version
Big thanks to Codemann who compiled the Windows wrapper and did a great support. The windows version is now also ready for testing and I released new OGR work units to celebrate it. The project now enters Beta state.
If you are interested in applications for other platforms write a mail to yoyo at mailueberfall dot de or use the forum.
If you have problems with the project reset it, it should work afterwards.

31 July 2007 Mac WUs
Big thanks to scsimodo and frost who compiled the Mac wrapper and did a great test. The Mac version is now ready for testing and I released also 100 work units to celebrate it. There is also progress developing the Windows version.
BTW: Account creation is open.

30 July 2007 Linux WUs
Created some work for Linux cruncher to test the work generator, validator and assimilator. The legacy application which is now integrated is the distributed.net client which runs OGR.

29 July 2007 Legacy Application
Integration of the legacy application started. I distributed some work for Linux. Some more will follow soon.

21 July 2007 Fixed Credits
Now fixed credits are granted. I also increased the runtime to 30 minutes. The server was updated to the latest version. Please report problems in the forum.
A big thanks to scsimodo providing the application for Mac.

21 July 2007 Logo
The project now has a logo, thanks to Rebirther.

20 July 2007 Fixed credits
Will test fixed credits this weekend. How many credits should be given for a WU? Send your suggestions to yoyo at mailueberfall.de or in the forum.

19 July 2007 Account creation
Account creation is now opened for the next days.

18 July 2007 Account creation
Account creation will be opened in the next days.

17 July 2007 Windows Applikation
Dank tutta55 vom Team Boinc.be gibt es jetzt auch eine Applikation für Windows.

16 July 2007 Änderungen an WU Verteilung
Es gibt jetzt nur noch 20 WU pro Tag und ein User sollte jetzt nicht mehr die gleiche WU 2 Mal erhalten.

15 July 2007 update
Der Server läuft erstmal stabil. Ich lass ihn mal laufen. Forum und Wiki sind auch vorbereitet und verlinkt. Herzlich Willkommen auch an die Yahoo und Google Bots, die sich inzwischen jede WU angesehen haben.

14 July 2007 yoyo@home started
yoyo@home aufgesetzt. Workunits dauern z.Z. ca. 10 Minuten. Wer unter Linux rechnet und etwas testen will schreibt mir eine email. Ich richte dann einen Account ein. Es wird Uppercase gerechnet. Die Workgeneratoren, Feeder und Assimilatoren laufen. Der Server wird nur gelegentlich mal Online sein, ich hoffe so immer von 20:00 - 22:00 oder auch öfter, mal sehen.
Nächste Schritte:

27 May 2007 Erster Versuch
Erster Versuch einen Boinc Server aufzusetzen und zu lernen wie man die news schreibt.

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