What's up with Siever 145.02 tasks and memory demand?

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What's up with Siever 145.02 tasks and memory demand?

#1 Ungelesener Beitrag von Xenu666 » 24.01.2025 17:53

I have a few servers with a lot of memory installed. The OS is Ubuntu Linux.

Since two days it seems that the memory demand is out through the roof...
Example: One server with 96 CPU's and 160GB RAM is only running 40 work units because the other 56 is "waiting for memory".

How is it possible that every work unit is demanding about 4GB ocf RAM?

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?
I've been running my machines since december without any issues similar to this and now all of my servers is down on their knees, crying and begging for mercy :o

Any thoughts?

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Registriert: 31.05.2011 10:30
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Re: What's up with Siever 145.02 tasks and memory demand?

#2 Ungelesener Beitrag von gemini8 » 24.01.2025 23:58

I've been running BOINC for years now.
I consider it sensible to install at least two gigs of memory per CPU thread.
That's not a necessity on most BOINC projects, but there are some applications that are memory hogs, and if you - like me - want to run a machine on BOINC without supervising it all the time, while having it run all projects, then you might want to consider that the 160 gigs you mention aren't enough.
I'm even more happy about the state of things when I have four gigs of memory per thread installed, and I know that I have to trim some applications down to only a few threads on any machine.

Btw., from the yoyo@home pages:
22 January 2025 sr2sieve wu needs much RAM
The workunits of the current S31 batch requiring 3 GB of RAM or more. Also workunits of the next R19 batch using much RAM.
Gruß, Jens
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Lowend-User und Teilzeit-Cruncher

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Registriert: 28.01.2025 23:37

Re: What's up with Siever 145.02 tasks and memory demand?

#3 Ungelesener Beitrag von gd_barnes » 28.01.2025 23:57

Hello everyone, I am Gary Barnes, the Conjectures 'R Us (CRUS) admin. I am new to the Yoyo forum.

As you have found, the S31 file that was sent to Yoyo uses 3-4GB of RAM per instance. When it was sent, I had not considered how much RAM that it needs and what impact it would have running in BOINC. CRUS will avoid sending such files to Yoyo in the future. I have left it up to your server admin to decide if (s)he wishes to continue with it.

The R19 file that will be coming next should only use 500-800MB of RAM per instance or about 10-20% as much RAM as S31. It is our hope that it will not create any problems.


Beiträge: 6402
Registriert: 31.05.2011 10:30
Wohnort: Hannover

Re: What's up with Siever 145.02 tasks and memory demand?

#4 Ungelesener Beitrag von gemini8 » 29.01.2025 10:47

Hi Gary.
I'd suggest using another application for tasks with higher demands regarding memory.
I'm quite certain there will be more than just a handful of users especially going for exactly these tasks If they easily can.
Gruß, Jens
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Lowend-User und Teilzeit-Cruncher

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Michael H.W. Weber
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Re: What's up with Siever 145.02 tasks and memory demand?

#5 Ungelesener Beitrag von Michael H.W. Weber » 29.01.2025 17:20

gemini8 hat geschrieben:
29.01.2025 10:47
I'm quite certain there will be more than just a handful of users especially going for exactly these tasks If they easily can.
And even if it's NOT easy going. :evil2:

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Registriert: 28.01.2025 23:37

Re: What's up with Siever 145.02 tasks and memory demand?

#6 Ungelesener Beitrag von gd_barnes » 30.01.2025 13:10

Thank you for the suggestions, everyone. We will keep them in mind.


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